Monday, September 13, 2010

What a fun weekend

Man what a weekend we had here. It was sure great to have Janelle's family here. Thanks Ken and Peggy SO much for all of your help. I think it would have been a bit over whelming to just jump right into parenting. I don't think Janelle had to do anything which was so awesome. Then to Dave and Jenny and the kids it was so fun seeing you guys and thank you so much for coming down and seeing Levi and our little place we like to call home.

Well on Saturday Levi took his first trip to the park, and the new parents we are forgot the camera. But he had a wonder time swinging and sliding down the slid. Ok maybe not he just slept the whole time and didn't even realized that we even left the house. Ivy was doing all the fun stuff at the park. I a couple of years Levi will be the king of the jungle gym.

Then Saturday night he had his first bath. I was going to take a video of it but i decided to help. And it went great. So next bath time i will be filming so you guys can see how much he loves it and how cute he is. But we did do a post bath video so here it is.

Levi has been doing so great at feeding and sleeping. His poops have been getting bigger and better. And the diapers we have been using have been a little big so when he pees it gets everywhere. Mommy was holding him and then she had to go and change her shirt. So we are using different ones and I hope that problem is fixed. Over all this has been a great experience. And we love him so much.

p.s. He goes through SO many cloths. Laundry is done almost daily between the 3 of us.

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