Well because of Levi the honey do list has gotten pretty long. With momma out of commission for the next couple of week I am wearing t

he pants and the apron around here. When I leave for work I have to make sure I bring everything that Janelle or Levi might need while I am working. With the feedings up to one person at night that allows me to sleep and get well rested to do my house chorus before heading off to work. So it works out nice. As for Levi he is doing great. His big blue eyes are getting seen a lot more these days. Even last night at 4:30 when he was up for 2 hours and momma wanted to sleep. It is just so hard to get mad at him so I just sat there staring back at him. Kind of like a staring contest, which Levi won. Today we will be going to lunch for the first time. Where should we go? I don't think Levi will mind where we go.
He is also getting more and more comfortable being naked and changing. At first he use to cry every time we would change him. Now he knows it is only harder if he is fussy and squirmy. Now it is a pleasure changing him. Over all my little guy is doing great. Janelle just told him that he was getting fatter. I think this stage in life is the only time that getting fatter is a good thing. So fatten up boy.
The other day Levi smiled at me and I caught it on my phone. I was

kissing him on his nose then he smiled. It was so fun seeing that. Then he smiled for Janelle later on the day. Our little boy is growing up. Next thing we know he will be shaving and driving, not at the same time I hope that is just weird.
Well until next time. Stay classy San Diego.
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