So its been a while since I last posted something. It has been a busy last few weeks. Levi was introduced to his Aunt Amy and we took a pretty fun family trip. We had a great time with Amy here and she took some amazing pictures of our little family. Check her out at amy lashelle photography. She does amazing work and would love to pen you in for a photo shoot.
As for Levi he is doing GREAT. He is so big and is growing everyday. He is now starting to hold his head up and look around. He likes to fix his eyes upon this picture we have in our living room. He will stare at that for minutes upon minutes. He is starting to put himself to sleep while sitting in his bouncer or even his bed. Janelle has been luck lately that he has been sleeping about 5 hours a night. Let me tell you a rested up mom means a happy mom :) we all like that. Levi has also been starting to smile at us, which is really cool by the way. I don't know what the smiles mean but they are smiles non the less. He has also been staying up during the day and will just talk and talk. More like make noises but we call it talking.

While Amy was here we went to San Jose to watch Uncle Billy run a half marathon. That was a lot of fun. I was able to run the last 3 miles with him and get all the free food of someone who ran the whole thing. Then after the run we hung out with bill in SJ. Then after that we went to San Francisco to have dinner with Janelle's Aunts and Uncle. We went to a great restaurant in the Fairy Building. It was really fun. Lev

Today Levi and I are watching some football. It is over cast out and cold and just the perfect day to watch football with my son. He is a Colts fan. i am very proud of him for the choice.
ReplyDeleteI love that pic of uncle Billy being oh so careful :) and I loved getting to meet Levi & hang out with you all. I love the ingrams.