Today was the day we decided to introduce rice cereal to Levi. We weren't really sure what to expect when trying it and we quickly came to realize that it wasn't going to go quite as we thought. After a couple of spoon fulls of the nasty smelling cereal getting spit out of his mouth and on to our counter, we gave up. Here's a glimps of our try. :)
Levi Michael Ingram
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Friday, November 12, 2010
playing around
So the other day Levi and I decided to play a little joke on mom when she got home from the gym. We waiting by the window to see her car pull up and then we got in position.
Other then our little joke we played on Mom things are going good around here. Levi is now 10lbs. Janelle can't remember what the doctor said about exact weight but Janelle said 10 something. And he is now 22in long. So out little guy is getting so little any more. Time flies when you are having fun, but I tell you what time flies when you have kids. Man I can't believe that Levi is 9 weeks old and that Thanksgiving is almost here. Also as you saw on the video below that Levi is starting to make some really cool noises. He just loves to talk.
Other then our little joke we played on Mom things are going good around here. Levi is now 10lbs. Janelle can't remember what the doctor said about exact weight but Janelle said 10 something. And he is now 22in long. So out little guy is getting so little any more. Time flies when you are having fun, but I tell you what time flies when you have kids. Man I can't believe that Levi is 9 weeks old and that Thanksgiving is almost here. Also as you saw on the video below that Levi is starting to make some really cool noises. He just loves to talk.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mr. Independant
Well, since Michael is busy trying to get Levi to fall asleep, I am having post on the blog today. We are having a not so co-operative day. I think Levi is going through a growth spurt and therefor has been fussy ALL day! But then it's all ok cause he has really cute moments like in this video...
Yeah how can you be mad when he does stuff like that. Somehow his hours of crying and fussing magically goes away in a very instant. He can make you really tired and emotionally drained and then with one little smile, or even just a look he melts your heart. He is 6 weeks old now and is starting to stay up alot more during the day which makes me hopeful for lots of sleep at night. He has yet to sleep the whole night, but he has allowed me to have 5 hours at a time. (this has only happened about 3 times haha, but it's still amazing!)
Michael has just successfully put Levi to sleep!! I tried everything I could and then I gave up and gave him to Michael and he decided to play classical music and boom the kid is knocked out. Why did I not think of that?? Oh well at least he's asleep. But now it's time for us to go to bed as well.(at 9:00!!!!) It's been a long day.
Yeah how can you be mad when he does stuff like that. Somehow his hours of crying and fussing magically goes away in a very instant. He can make you really tired and emotionally drained and then with one little smile, or even just a look he melts your heart. He is 6 weeks old now and is starting to stay up alot more during the day which makes me hopeful for lots of sleep at night. He has yet to sleep the whole night, but he has allowed me to have 5 hours at a time. (this has only happened about 3 times haha, but it's still amazing!)
Michael has just successfully put Levi to sleep!! I tried everything I could and then I gave up and gave him to Michael and he decided to play classical music and boom the kid is knocked out. Why did I not think of that?? Oh well at least he's asleep. But now it's time for us to go to bed as well.(at 9:00!!!!) It's been a long day.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday Football

So its been a while since I last posted something. It has been a busy last few weeks. Levi was introduced to his Aunt Amy and we took a pretty fun family trip. We had a great time with Amy here and she took some amazing pictures of our little family. Check her out at amy lashelle photography. She does amazing work and would love to pen you in for a photo shoot.
As for Levi he is doing GREAT. He is so big and is growing everyday. He is now starting to hold his head up and look around. He likes to fix his eyes upon this picture we have in our living room. He will stare at that for minutes upon minutes. He is starting to put himself to sleep while sitting in his bouncer or even his bed. Janelle has been luck lately that he has been sleeping about 5 hours a night. Let me tell you a rested up mom means a happy mom :) we all like that. Levi has also been starting to smile at us, which is really cool by the way. I don't know what the smiles mean but they are smiles non the less. He has also been staying up during the day and will just talk and talk. More like make noises but we call it talking.

While Amy was here we went to San Jose to watch Uncle Billy run a half marathon. That was a lot of fun. I was able to run the last 3 miles with him and get all the free food of someone who ran the whole thing. Then after the run we hung out with bill in SJ. Then after that we went to San Francisco to have dinner with Janelle's Aunts and Uncle. We went to a great restaurant in the Fairy Building. It was really fun. Lev

Today Levi and I are watching some football. It is over cast out and cold and just the perfect day to watch football with my son. He is a Colts fan. i am very proud of him for the choice.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Great week so far
So this week Levi met his Aunt Amy :) She came from Utah to see that little guy and brought him 2 onesies that say number 1 Utah fan and Utah football. He wore them both in the same day. We have been having such a great time with amy this week. The girls and Levi went to the mall to go shopping for mom's birthday. Today we went on a walk down at dry creek. I don't have any new picture for this post but amy, being the great photographer she is, taking some great shots. So when I get those I will put some of them up.
Last night Levi slept for 5 HOURS. It was a little piece of heaven. Janelle is well rested and is feeling good these days. Also Levi is starting to focus on things that are close to him. Like he will look into your eyes and try to figure out what they are. But things that are in the distance he still can't focus. In time he will. But that's all this time just had to tell you guys about our weekend and that he is sleeping great. Next post will have pictures and maybe a video.
Last night Levi slept for 5 HOURS. It was a little piece of heaven. Janelle is well rested and is feeling good these days. Also Levi is starting to focus on things that are close to him. Like he will look into your eyes and try to figure out what they are. But things that are in the distance he still can't focus. In time he will. But that's all this time just had to tell you guys about our weekend and that he is sleeping great. Next post will have pictures and maybe a video.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Big week for little Levi
So this last week, on friday, Levi got circumcised. We had no clue what to expect, I mean I was a week old when that happened to me. Levi was 18 days old when he had it done. We would have liked to gotten it done within the first week but insurance and its beauty didn't allow that. Also the doctor we were referred to wanted to wait for Levi to become 6 months old. Janelle and I were talking and thinking there is no way. I know in biblical times it happened at i believe 8 days old. So we called around asking different doctors when we should do it. After contacting a doctor in Oakdale and him saying we should have done it weeks ago, that was all we needed to hear. So we were able to get in the next day. When the doctor took out little guy away and after 20 minutes of him screaming and crying his eyes out it was done. The doctor came in and said he did great and that he didn't cry as much as most babies. That's because he's a Ingram baby but that's besides the point. So the doctor broke it down how it went and what to look for to make sure everything is healing and sings to look for to come back. One of the sings to come back was bleeding. Later that day I had to go to work and Janelle was home alone with Levi. About a hour into my work shift Janelle called me crying just as hard as Levi was in the back ground. "There is still bdfladjfal". That's what I heard. After calming down Janelle said "There is still bleeding". Janelle rushed back to the doctor and his first look at Levi was, "i have never seen it this bad". Great, that is just what a mom wants to hear after what just happened to our son. So the doctor had to apply pressure to try to stop the bleeding. He did that twice for 10 minutes. That didn't work. Great now what. The doctor had to burn around his little man hood that had just been traumatized to stop the bleeding. While this was happening Janelle had to hold Levi down cause the doctor didn't want to call for a nurse. So the doctor has a baby that was crying louder then any cry Janelle had heard and a mom that was crying louder the Levi. After all that he is doing fine and better then ever.
In the mean time it now takes both of us to change his diapers due to the extra caution was have to take in not hurting down low. I think Levi is taking advantage of this opportunity of having two targets now. Because we have been peed on at least once a day it not twice a day. There is nothing you can do cause I can't go in a grab it to aim it away and I am holding his legs so I trying to dodge it just with my head. We have been getting really close this last week. So for all you future parents who will be having boys get him circumcised within the first week cause the doctor said that after that the baby changes so much that his recovery time is doubled. And it is not fun hearing your son scream at the top of his lungs and there is nothing you can do. First lesson we learned as parents and boy it was a big one.
On a happier note his umbilical cord fell off the other day and it is so fun to look at his little belly button. And he now weighs 7lbs 9oz and is back to 19.5in long. And he is cuter then ever that's for sure.
Also I have been running with Levi with the stroller and man it is SO fun and hard. H
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